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Dyslexia Tutoring

Playberry multi-sensory literacy intervention


I use the Playberry Multi-Sensory Literacy Program which delivers best practice in improving literacy skills until the knowledge becomes automatic and permanent.


The structure of the program uses teaching points which are taught explicitly and then revised throughout the program. This program is very effective in the long term as it takes a student back to the beginning of learning literacy and systematically rebuilds their phonics knowledge (letter-sound system).


This program empowers students to have many successes with their learning as it is embedded in their long-term memory.


Long-term memory

We call this "popping it in the freezer", because things don't go off in the freezer.

We can retrieve them when we need them.



Program structure

  • Alphabet letter order: the sequence for teaching letter-sound links, from single vowels and consonants to less frequently used letter combinations.






  • Reading cards: are accumulated by each student to remind them of the letter-sound links already covered in reading.








  • Spelling cards: are accumulated by each student, each card represents one sound. Different ways of spelling the sound are added as they move through the program.








  • Multisensory strategies for spelling: including The 8 Step Multi-Sensory Spelling Program.










  • Handwriting: A flowing handwriting style is encouraged to ensure that recurring letter patterns become automatic to assist with spelling

  • Reading and spelling practise at each teaching point: word lists are organised so that the learner can use pattern and analogy to aid reading and spelling.

  • Spelling rules: including suffixing rules and apostrophe use.










  • Meta-cognition: or learning about learning. Learners are encouraged to be aware of their own preferred learning strategies.



Academic therapy

This is an important part of the program which gives the student an understanding of what dyslexia is, why we are doing what we are doing and that they are smart and capable.








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Session fees are payable upfront on a term by term basis. Where possible one make-up session will be offered.


Business premises - Northgate, South Australia

Next step

Please contact me with any questions you have about dyslexia and available programs. You can also book a free initial meeting to discuss your particular needs.

About dyslexia and how the tutoring program impacts brain development to improve language skills.

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